Impulse counselling «renewable heating»

The "renewable heating" impulse consultation is a personalised and comprehensive consultation for building owners who would like to switch to a renewable heating system. Our impulse consultant will visit your building and advise you on site about the options for replacing your heating system.

The impulse consultation on heating replacement includes an inspection of the building, during which the checklist is discussed and explained, possible heating systems are explained and a recommendation is made based on the discussion and expertise. The scope of the impulse consultation varies depending on the building category and size:

The impulse consultation is free of charge for all building owners if the heating system is more than 10 years old. However, only one impulse consultation per heat generation system is eligible for funding and double funding with other cantonal or communal funding programmes is excluded. The consultation is also non-binding, which means that you can decide when and with whom you want to replace your heating system.

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