Customer portal
Do you want to notify a move? View your energy consumption or your bills? Or would you like to enter your meter reading yourself? With the myPrimeo-Energie customer portal, you can do this easily around the clock. Learn everything you need to know about our myPrimeo Energy customer portal here.
- Determine your own energy efficiency and calculate your energy class.
- Read and enter the current status of electricity, heat, water or gas meters by yourself.
- View history of readings at a glance
- Report moving in, moving out or relocating in the Primeo energy grid area by yourself.
- Announce change of ownership or management.
- Product change: Compare different electricity products and switch directly to the one you want.
- Consumption overview: View your consumption data for all meters at any time. Download reports as PDF and/or Excel files or get a subscription.
- View all invoices from the past five years, including their status. Change delivery type (letter, email) and payment method (direct debit, eBill, payment slip)

- View all invoices from the past five years, including their status. Change delivery type (letter, email) and payment method (direct debit, eBill, pay-in slip)
- Consumption overview: View your consumption data for all meters, systems and profiles at any time. Generate consumption reports as PDF and/or Excel files or get a subscription.
- Information on energy market situations: Get opinions from Primeo Energie as “Energy Flash” and “Energy Premium” newsletters. Independent, interactive comparisons of price trends for different products
- Contact details at Primeo Energie for further requirements
- Non-binding pricing of own load profiles for the next three years based on Primeo Energie’s current pricing models
- “My Documents”: Overview of all customer documents such as invoices, reports, etc. with filter and download function
To access these functions, please ask your contact at Primeo Energie or write to
- Portfolio reporting and monitoring: transparent presentation of energy levels and prices for three years ahead based on the applicable procurement strategy and the forecast sales load (divided into secured, unsecured and completed back-to-back customers as well as own generation). Changes in prices and energy volumes in the portfolio over time.
- Non-binding pricing of own load profiles for the next three years based on Primeo’s current pricing models.
- The guarantees of origin report shows the need for such guarantees to be procured as well as the requested procurement mix. The procured items are valued at the prices obtained and the outstanding items are valued at current market prices.
- The forecast report shows the quality of the short-term forecast. This is calculated from the absolute percentage difference between the short-term forecast and the measured values.
- The back-to-back sales report shows current prices for the defined market customers regularly as an indication.
- Tariff calculation: Calculations of future, own tariffs including additional costs and secured production based on the current portfolio report and thus the current market valuation.
To access these functions, please ask your contact at Primeo Energie or write to
- “Registration for events”: Registration for cooperative events (such as Delegates’ Meeting)
- All documents relating to the event
- Press releases and annual reports in the download area
- View pictures of delegates’ events in the portal
- Disclosure of bank details for delegates’ remuneration
For further information, please contact
Please notify us of your move at least 10 days in advance via the myPrimeo customer portal or use our digital assistant at link. Alternatively, you can also send an email to Or use our online form.
Please notify us of the sale at least 10 days in advance via the myPrimeo customer portal or email to
You can switch electricity provider if you use more than 100,000 kWh per year.
Yes, you can pay your bill in up to three instalments. Use our digital assistant at link or send us an email to
Yes. For this, please send us an email to or call us on +41 (0) 61 415 41 50.
You can find them in the myPrimeo customer portal.
Discover your energy-saving potential with our online energy check. Ask an electrician to check your connection and equipment for possible problems?
You can request one by using the form in the myPrimeo customer portal.
You can request one via the myPrimeo customer portal or by sending an email to