Ökostrom durch Wasserkraft aus der Schweiz

Basic supply

We will provide you with a reliable and sustainable supply.

As a committed company with ecological responsibility, we rely exclusively on renewable energies in our basic supply. We supply you reliably with 100% natural electricity with the "naturemade" label.

Ein Mann macht sich Gedanken um die Zukunft. Im Hintergrund sind Photovoltaik und Windkraftanlagen.

Thinking jointly about the future

We offer our customers the "Primeo Standard" basic supply, which comes entirely from renewable energy sources and is "naturemade basic" certified. You can of course upgrade to Primeo Green at any time with a small price difference or purchase shares of this product.

"naturemade" is the Swiss quality label for energy from 100% renewable sources (water, sun, wind and biomass). The label is awarded by the Association for Environmentally Sound Energy and supported by WWF, Pro Natura, and the Consumer Forum.

Prices for electricity and grid use