PCA & vPCA: using affordable and sustainable solar power together
Are you looking for an economical and sustainable energy supply for an apartment block or a residential or commercial property? Then opt for photovoltaics in conjunction with a private consumption alliance (PCA). A PCA offers both the owner of a photovoltaic system and the residents numerous lucrative advantages. In addition to the normal, physical PCA, there is also the option of a virtual PCA (vPCA). A combination with a physical PCA or a vPCA alone brings further interesting advantages.

How does a PCA work?
Self-consumption means either using self-generated energy directly yourself or making it available to others on site without using the grid operator's grid. With a PCA, you sell your self-generated solar power directly to residents or rented businesses on site. It is possible to set up a PCA if at least ten per cent of the energy requirement is covered locally.
The members of a PCA share a grid connection and act as a single customer vis-à-vis the distribution grid operator. The electricity costs are billed independently within the community.
Please note that an installation notification from a licensed electrical contractor is also required for the creation of a ZEV due to the physical adjustments to your installation.
Primeo Energie is happy to offer you comprehensive support in setting up and operating a PCA.
If your planned merger fulfils the principles and conditions of a PCA, you can register the merger here.

How does a virtual PCA (vPCA) work?
Just like a physical PCA, a virtual PCA offers the option of sharing self-generated energy with several parties within a property. In contrast to a physical PCA, this happens virtually with a virtual PCA, i.e. it generally does not trigger any adjustments to the metering infrastructure.
In addition, depending on the constellation, the connection line and a common grid connection point/interconnection point (e.g. distribution cabin/transformer station) can be used with a vPCA - muffle grids generally do not allow a vPCA. With a physical as well as a virtual PCA, you sell your self-generated solar power directly to residents or rented businesses on site. The distribution system operator invoices the interconnection by means of a virtual main measurement at the common interconnection point - the other measurement data of the individual parties is made available.
It is possible to establish a vPCA if at least 10% of the total connected load in production capacity is in the vPCA. Furthermore, virtual PCA can only be established at the low-voltage level (voltage level below 1 kV).
The members of a vPCA act as a single customer vis-à-vis the distribution system operator, so a legal representative is required for the association. The electricity costs are billed independently within the community.
Can you imagine setting up a virtual PCA in your area? Then use our planning information to check your connection situation.
If your planned merger fulfils the principles and conditions of a vPCA, you can officially register the merger with Primeo Energie as a distribution system operator using the following form.

The advantages of a PCA
A PCA is worthwhile for all parties and increases the attractiveness of residential and commercial properties in many respects:
- Your investment has a shorter amortisation period and generates a higher return. The building's own energy supply adds value to your property.
- Locally produced solar power is also cheaper than electricity from the grid, as there are no grid costs and charges. This also makes owners and residents less dependent on the electricity market and price fluctuations.
- Sharing or charging solutions for e-cars or e-bikes can be easily integrated. They thus pave the way for e-mobility.
- In addition, the ecological and sustainable power supply from your own roof is an important contribution to climate protection.

Our full-spectrum PCA service
We support you in planning, founding and managing your private consumption alliance and look after all activities for you, from consulting all the way to operation and billing.
- High level of expertise: energy industry expertise, 50 years of experience in site development, access to an extensive consultancy pool of specialists
- Comprehensive services: energy procurement, storage solutions, measurement and data storage, real-time visualisations, customer and billing services
- Smart charging and sharing solutions: E-cars, e-bikes, e-scooters
- Economic support: attractive financing options

Frequently asked questions
The very word explains what characterises private consumption: According to Art. 16 of the Energy Act (EnA), self-produced energy must either be used by the operator of the system itself and/or be made available to other local consumers directly. The term "private consumption" ceases to apply as soon as the operator's grid connects the system with consumers.
Various consumption scenarios exist:
- The system produces exactly as much energy as is required over the same period. Additional energy from the grid is not fed in.
- The system generates more energy than is currently required. This can then either be stored or fed into the grid. Feed-in is remunerated accordingly by the grid operator.
- The system generates less electricity than is currently needed. In this case, energy can be taken from the storage system or from the grid.
With your own photovoltaic system, you basically generate electricity free of charge – at least you don’t need to pay for energy, grid use, grid surcharge and system services. In addition, there are no charges or payments for the community. You pay only for the additional energy you obtain from the grid.
Where does surplus solar power from your own photovoltaic system go to? You don’t have to worry about that with a PCA: If you don’t want to sell your excess energy on the electricity market, the distribution system operator will accept it from you and pay for it accordingly – in fact it is obliged to do so.
The distribution system operator treats a PCA like an individual consumer: Electricity fed from the PCA into the grid counts as a return delivery is metered and remunerated accordingly.
The following conditions apply when setting up a PCA: The self-produced energy must equal at least 10% of the energy required locally. Several property owners can join forces in the immediate vicinity of the energy-producing system. Or property owners pass on the energy to local tenants, who can, however, choose freely: They can join the private consumption alliance to cover their own needs or remain with their grid operator. At a later date, the tenant can withdraw from the private alliance only if the property owner has failed to adequately fulfil its basic obligation. By the way, this also applies if a tenant changes.
Yes. Private consumption is possible in conjunction with photovoltaics, biomass, and wind installations – regardless of the size of the respective production facility.
Yes, in every case. The decisive factor is for the self-produced energy to be used locally and not flow through the grid of the distributor. "Locally" is clearly defined as:
• Adjacent plots of land, at least one of which adjoins the one on which the production system is located
• Plots of land separated only by a road, railway line, or watercourse – if the respective property owners have given their consent
Primeo Energie verwendet das Doppeltarifmodell, bestehend aus einem Einheitspreis für den Netzbezugstarif und einem Solarbezugstarif gemäss Energieverordnung (EnV, Art 16a und 16b). Mit dem Unterzeichnen des Mietvertrages treten Sie dem ZEV bei. Im Einheitspreis für den Netzbezug sind alle Abgaben der Grundversorgung enthalten.
Der Netz- und Solartarif ermöglicht eine faire Verteilung des Stroms aus dem Netz und aus der Photovoltaikanlage. Der Solartarif spiegelt den Anteil des Eigenverbrauchs an der vor Ort produzierten Solarenergie wider.
Der Anteil des Solarstroms wird prozentual zum Gesamtverbrauch aus der verfügbaren Menge an Solarstrom zugewiesen. Die Verbrauchsmengen werden am jeweiligen Stromzähler und am Photovoltaikzähler gemessen. Die Berechnung erfolgt in 15-Minuten-Intervallen.
Als Vertragspartner vertreten Sie das ZEV gegenüber Primeo Energie. In der Regel sind Sie Liegenschaftseigentümer oder Immobilienverwaltung und fungieren als Ansprechpartner für die Verbraucherparteien und Primeo Energie. Änderungen der Tarife und andere Anpassungen werden von Primeo Energie an Sie weitergeleitet.
Kontaktieren Sie unseren Kundendienst unter zev-service@primeo-energie.ch oder rcp-service@primeo-energie.ch. Primeo Energie wird die fehlerhafte Fakturierung beim Grundversorger für Sie korrigieren.
Die Vergütung für den Verkauf des erzeugten Solarstroms wird als "Produktionsvergütung" bezeichnet. Diese Vergütung wird im gleichen Rhythmus wie die Verbrauchsrechnungen ausbezahlt, der von Ihnen gewählt werden kann (12x, 4x oder 3x pro Jahr).
Primeo Energie informiert die Vertretung des ZEV (z. B. die Verwaltung) über Tarifänderungen. Diese Vertretung ist vertraglich verpflichtet, die Informationen an die jeweiligen Bezugsparteien weiterzuleiten.
Alle Teilnehmer des ZEV müssen den gleichen Tarif zahlen. Die Solartarife können von der Vertretung des ZEV selbst festgelegt werden, wobei der Standard 80% des Netzbezugs nicht überschreiten darf (EnV, Art 16a und 16b).
Mit der Unterzeichnung des Mietvertrags treten Sie dem ZEV bei. Primeo Energie fungiert als Abrechnungsdienstleister für Ihr ZEV und fakturiert direkt an die Bezugsparteien.
Registrieren Sie sich auf dem myPrimeo Kundenportal mit Ihrer Kundennummer und Vertragskontonummer. Falls Sie Teil eines ZEV-Standards sind, können Sie dieselben Logindaten für die Primeo Energie ZEV-App verwenden.
Die Primeo Energie ZEV-App steht nur Kunden des ZEV-Standards zur Verfügung. Ihre Verbrauchsdaten können Sie bis zum Vortag im MyPrimeo Kundenportal einsehen.
Bitte wenden Sie sich an die Verwaltung oder Vertretung Ihres ZEV.
Für das statische Lastenmanagement muss ein einheitlicher Ladestationstyp installiert werden.
Ihr Elektriker muss die Ladestation installieren und freigeben. Anschliessend wird die Ladestation von Primeo Energie geprüft und in das Abrechnungssystem integriert.
Die Tarife sind vertraglich festgelegt und entsprechen den Doppeltarifen für den Wohnungsstrom.